7th Tradition Contributions – Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
Please only contribute if you self-identify as an AA member!
Area 59 uses PayPal for online contributions; credit or debit cards may be used without a PayPal account.
Prefer to mail a check?
Make checks payable to: EPGSA
Area 59 Treasurer
7637 Easton Rd
Ottsville, PA 18942
Please include your Group ID in the memo field. Thank you!
While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of A.A. service. It is both a privilege and a responsibility for groups and members to ensure that not only their group, but also their Intergroup or Central Office, local services, District, Area, and the General Service Office remain self-supporting. This keeps A.A. free of outside influences that might divert us from our primary purpose to help the alcoholic who still suffers.
Although the amount of a contribution is secondary to the spiritual connection that unites all groups around the world, we may want to remember that a dollar does not support as many services as it used to.
Prefer to fill out a PDF form?
— PDF Expense Report
— Step-by-Step Directions for Both Options
Please contact your Subcommittee Chair with any questions about expense reimbursement. All expenses should be authorized in ADVANCE by a Subcommittee Chair or Area Officer; Area event expenses are authorized by the Chair.
For an expense/deposit of $500 or more, please contact the Chair or Delegate so the Treasurer can pay directly instead of using personal funds.
Please feel free to contact the Area Treasurer with any Area finance or expense questions: treasurer@area59aa.org.
Thanks in advance for your service and cooperation!
The following are links to PDF presentations that provide a wealth of information for A.A. members engaged in financial service positions:
Need a group bank account, EIN, or virtual basket?
— Virtual 7th Tradition – Why & How
Questions about group finances, splits, and budgets?
— Group Finance Best Practices
Want details about Digital 7th options?
— Digital 7th Part 1 – Options Overview
— Digital 7th Part 2 – Detailed Walkthrough
Please feel free to contact the Finance Committee Chairperson with any questions or comments: finance@area59aa.org
The links included will bring you directly to the literature included in the Seventh Tradition packets handed out in Area 59. These pamphlets and cards support the seventh tradition that “Every AA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
— Seventh Tradition Fact Sheet
— Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix